Hey, it's a me, Xuri! Just here to spread the word about yet another release of UOX3.
What's new in UOX3 0.99.5?This current release of UOX3 has been over a year in the making, and contains a host of updates and additions, like...
- ...Massive performance improvements when it comes to loading and saving
- ...Improved server stability
- ...Modernization and cleanup of code base
- ...Easier shard setup process for first-time-users
- ...World templates that lets one quickly fill one's UOX3 world with all kinds of decorations and NPCs
- ...Support for 8 different languages via a custom dictionary system
- ...Revamps of many features like boats, fishing, taming skill and pets, cooking and crafting skills, magic system and combat mechanics
- ...Introduction of automatically generated pre-AoS magic items as loot (ex: "surpassingly accurate silver katana of vanquishing")
- ...Improvements to in-game shard management tools like the GM add-menu and tweak menu systems
The full list is too long to go into here, but if you head on over to
uox3.org you can check out the full update notes with more details, screenshots, the works!
You can find UOX3 at
www.uox3.org, can visit our
GitHub pages or can come
hang out with us on Discord any time! No commitment to activity required, idling 24/7 in the channel is perfectly reasonable.

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