
WorldForge 6.5 and map extractor
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Author:  Nezgruhel [ Mon Jan 12, 2004 2:38 am ]
Post subject:  WorldForge 6.5 and map extractor

I'm not usually a community oriented guy by any means, but I've been doing a lot of UO customizing for years now. I've never actually run a public shard, never had the money for a broadband connection. Well I finally decided to jump back into it, and I encountered a couple of problems. I'm not posting for help, so please don't think I'm posting in the wrong forum. I've just gotten tired of looking at the same old thing (UO customizing programs) and I decided that with my new broadband connection, and a public shard on the way... why not. So I'm becoming a community guy. :roll:

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that one of your download links are broken. The one for worldforge 6.5 to be exact. But being net savvy I found a link people can go to in order to retrieve said item for the time being.


This actually is probably the link that you posted up, but for some reason they won't actually let you link the download from another site, or just paste the complete url in the address, this being http://www.pixelmethods.com/uodesign/Pr ... orge65.zip

If anyone has tried to download this program with some difficulty you should be able to find it their. The top link, not the bottom. Although you may want to figure out a way to fix your link Ryandor.

I also wanted to bring up another program called Map Extractor. I havn't used it yet, but what it claims to do is extract Map0.mul into Map2.mul, or Map3.mul. I know that they are different file sizes and such, but I was wondering if the program extracted JUST the needed area. So in other words, it would extract the portion of the map that Map2.mul or Map3.mul used? It also extracts statics from the staidx0.mul and statics0.mul. This looks awfully nifty to me. Because if what I'm thinking is correct, you could make a standard Dragon map, leave the area that wouldn't be extracted at black 0 and then compile the map, extract it from map0.mul and place it in map2.mul or map3.mul.

Thus making it possible to create the other maps with Dragon. You can find map extractor at the same link as worldforge 6.5.

Happy map making!


Well, being that I have insomnia, I decided to try it, and guess what. It works. Perfectly. Now you can just create your map with dragon use map extractor and then worlforge 6.5 for fine tuning. I'd like to meet the man who made this program and shake his hand. Enjoy everybody!

Author:  Lynxx [ Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

I Dont know about your second question but Ry is off on vacation and I am sure he will fix it ASAP :D

Also welcome to the communtiy life, it's fun especially round here when we get a good discussion...argument err talk going... :)

Author:  Nezgruhel [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 5:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the welcome. I've actually been on this forum many times, just never posted or signed up. Mainly I've always ran searches on it in order to get questions answered or fix some problem. *gasp* Yes somebody who searches on the forum before asking a question. The kicker is, I've never had to post a single question. I've answered a question or too on the sphere forum, but that's just because I happened to be searching for something and came across it by accident. When you click on a link that you think is gonna have the answer to your problem and it's a question instead it's highly annoying. Don't get me wrong, I love Newbs though. Teaching others is something I love to do. But anyway... I'm working on a RunUO server at the moment. Has anybody checked out that mapextract program I was praising yet? Just wanted to know if anyone liked it as much as I did. Back to map building! :lol:

Author:  Stormcrow [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looks like UOWC (UO World Copy) which was written by Darus (UOCM, Dragon, etc) but updated for the new maps.
I just extracted it and opened it, I don't have time to play right now. It should work fine though (in theory), considering we've been copying and pasting areas of the map0.mul for ages, statics and all.

Oh, and welcome to Ryandor.com

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