Which color pallete are you using for pictures of anims? We have lots of color issues. Preview in mulpatcher is OK (even it tells me 0 color problems), but in game there is lots of artefacts in picutere.
Colors like 5 5 5, 12 12 12, 55 55 55, 155 155 155 and so on (and similar 11 12 12) are always changed to same shade of brown.
A was trying 256 colors, 16-bit, 24-bit. So far best is 15-bit, but it still have some of theese brown artefacts.
There is sample (15bit). If you zoom the picture, you can see theese brown pixels on each frame:
We can make some program to replace problematic colors, but i think, this is not the right solution, even if it should work

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