I had some time to play around with the various .mul editors, but I ran into a strange phenomenon. Maybe it is a client issue, and maybe it is just something I overlooked and it can be corrected. Here is how it goes:
Uo version 5.01i on Uox3 3.7h
Using Andreas' Mul Editor 0.6.6
Using the "create wearable" wizard, I selected a one-handed weapon to static 0.x2573 (?) (magic sword). I then selected sword gump 0xc5c8, and told it to take the animation from the "broadsword" at 0xc5ba.
The wizard then told me that body.def needed to have the line
0 {618} 0 added to it, because I changed some of the animations.
I appended this to the first entry of body.def (since mine starts at 11 {xx} xx.
Then I created the .dfn entry for UOx3 to use this new sword.
I logged into my shard and created the weapon on my PC. All of the stats displayed properly, I equipped the sword, and it worked properly. (damage to enemies was right, as well as my custom script causing "explosion animation" (it was a flame sword) fired properly showing the proper animation and extra fire damage.
The sad part is, I am unable to view the weapons name and stats in the paperdoll. It displays properly but I am unable to un-equip it! If you kill your character, the Item shows properly as loot, but if the next PC equips the cursed blade, not even a GM can remove it unless you are killed.
Is this something wrong with the 0xc5c8 paper-doll graphic? Is there anyway to fix this?
Bmw r68