By Melody J. (a.k.a. Valera Entreri)
Note: even though it's not really map related, I accept just about anything submitted. -Ryandor
Many ?thanks? to Sargos, and the rest of the dev team of ?UOXC? (, to Circonian for developing VERy (, to Alazane for developing Inside UO (, and also to Xuri Dabur (, for the awesome tool ?World Builder? and to Ryandor (, and to all the other 3rd party developers whose work often go unrecognized.
For this tutorial, I will show how to make a Gump for a new race. We are going to change the color of an existing Gump, so you would need 3 things; Inside UO, and Ultimate FX, and VERy at the above link. (You don?t need to worry about installation because these tools are easy to install just double click the package you downloaded. You might want to create a folder for them to unzip to though, so things don?t get cluttered.)
First, open Inside UO and click the Gump button. Then look for Gump number 000C and right click the Gump Id number and select ?save as? and name it whatever you want, but try to keep it short. If you are making a Gump for both the Male and Female, you will want to do this twice naming it appropriately.
Now, start Ultimate FX and open the file you just saved. Click on the ?Image? button in the menu bar, and then select ?Color?, and then ?Golden Summer?. Now select ?hard light? from the drop-down box.
Your Gump should now look like this. (I call this the Drow.)
Don?t forget to save it. (If you plan on doing multiple races, just save this under a different name and use your first Gump as a template for all others.)
Notice the blue loincloth? This would bother some people?lol? you would change it by copy and pasting the default loincloth over the blue one. However, it is tedious if someone else had already done this. Just, copy and paste the items below over yours. If you have problems retaining the same color as the loincloth, try pasting it in a paint program and saving as a .bmp then start Ultimate FX and open the file and copy from there instead.
After saving it, we are going to import it into the verdata.mul file using VERy.
First, open up Inside UO and click on the Gump button. Go through the list of Gump Id numbers until you notice a gap or a jump, i.e. 076d?091a and select a number that isn?t already listed. In the example I just gave, it jumped from 076d to 091a. This means that you can use any of the numbers from 076e to 0919 to number your Gump. One thing to remember with the numbering, when it lists a letter, it begins with ?a? and ends with ?f?, and when it lists a number it begins with a ?0? and ends with a ?9?. Also, it starts with the numbers and then goes to the letters, i.e. 0710 to 0719 so the next number will be?071a to 071f?then 0720.
Second, save a copy of your new Gump into the same folder you installed VERy in.
Third, double click the text document called ?Very?. It should look something like this.
Next, scroll down to where it says ?SECTION GUMPS?. Type the number for your Gump. (It should be 4 digits long.) Then you type the name of your Gump followed by .bmp since that is the format. Right after that, you add the size, in pixels, of the Gump. There are a few ways to find this info. You can either open MS Paint and then select ?Image? from the menu and then select ?Attributes?, or start Ultimate FX then select ?File? then ?Open? and navigate to your Gump and just click on it once to highlight it. You?ll see not just the pixel size, but also how many colors it?s using, which is very useful if you have accidentally saved your Gump into too many or too few colors. (Ultimate FX lets you save into the different color formats without color loss.) Save your work.
Ok, now we just have to add an item that will call up the Gump you created. I?ve decided to make a template so it will be easy for you. Just right-click the picture below and ?copy?, then open a paint program and select ?Edit? then ?paste?, making sure it stays the 44 44 pixel size. Be sure to save it into your VERy folder. This will go into the ?Static Tiles? section. Remember, if you are making a Gump for both the Male and Female, you will want to do this twice.
Now, open it up using any paint program. I use MS Paint for this because it comes with Windows. Add a name to it so that it stands out by clicking the pencil button to the left and selecting a bright color. You will probably want to zoom in. Here is an example of what I mean below.
Make sure the ?Attributes? still says 44 in both the ?height? and ?width? boxes.
Next, start Inside UO and click on the ?Artwork? button on the left and then select ?Static Tiles?. Find a jump in the numbers like you did to find an unused number, for the Gump you created. Now, open up your Very text document again and find the ?SECTION TILES? area. Type-in the number for your tile. Now, type-in the name for your tile, with the .bmp at the end of the name, and then the pixel size, which should be 44 44. An example is used above the tile templates.
Finally, scroll down to the ?SECTION ITEMS? in your VERy text document. Type-in the exact number you used for the ?SECTION TILES?. Then, type-in 00 00 40 00 1 5 0012 and the name you want it to say when you click on it.
Here is an example of what I mean.
What you are seeing in the above example is the layers or attributes the item will have including the animation it will be using. Here, we are using animation id 0012 for the male Drow Gump. Starting at the 2 digit numbers after your ?tile? number, are the ?flags?. A double 00 indicates that field is n/a to your item. (Check the Layers and Flags list below.) The next digit indicates the weight of the item. Most of my items shown here are either weighed at 1 or 2 stones. Next, is the ?layers field?. Then it is the ?animations field?. The animations are depicted by the group of 4 digit numbers on the right. You can find the animations by starting Inside UO and then Clicking on the ?Animations? button on the left. You can find the Animation Id by clicking once on the animation and then looking at the bottom of Inside UO. It will give the Character name and the Model No. In the parenthesis, after the x, is the Animation Id. Remember, anyplace in Inside UO you see 3 digits when there is supposed to be 4, it means that there is supposed to be a 0 in the beginning of the number.
Here is a quick run down of the layers and what they mean.
1 - One handed weapon
2 - Two handed weapon, shield, or misc.
3 - Shoes
4 - Pants
5 - Shirt
6 - Helm/Hat
7 - Gloves
8 - Ring
9 - Unused
10 - Neck
11 - Hair
12 - Waist (half apron)
13 - Torso (inner) (chest armor)
14 - Bracelet
15 - Unused (backpack, but backpacks go to 21)
16 - Facial Hair
17 - Torso (middle) (surcoat, tunic, full apron, sash)
18 - Earrings
19 - Arms
20 - Back (cloak)
21 - Backpack
22 - Torso (outer) (robe)
23 - Legs (outer) (skirt/kilt)
24 - Legs (inner) (leg armor)
25 - Mount (horse, ostard, etc)
26 - NPC Buy Restock container
27 - NPC Buy no restock container
28 - NPC Sell container
29 - Bank Box
Flag 1:
Flag 2:
WALL2 20
A 40
AN 80
Flag 3:
MAP 10
Flag 4:
UNK1 2
UNK2 4
Now, it?s time to test your new items. First, back up all your .mul files. Second, copy and paste your ?hues.mul?, your ?tiledata.mul?, and your ?verdata.mul? into your VERy folder. Third, double-click the VERy.exe and wait until it tells you to press ?enter?. It will pop out a file called out2.ver. Rename it to verdata.mul. You may want to copy it outside your VERy folder before you do this because it will say ?You can?t name it that because it already exists?. Copy and paste this file in the UO directory and also your appropriate Emulator directory if you have one.
That?s it! You should now be able to see your new stuff in Inside UO.
To use your new Gump, try scripting it as an item that gets ?placed? in the player?s backpack, when you go through the ?race gate? or after the character creation screen. (Assuming, your Emulator allows for that kind of scripting.)
If, for any reason, you are getting funny colors or colored lines in your items after you added them to your verdata.mul, just make sure that it is the right size and that the size matches the VERy script. Also there are 3 different colors for black. One is a transparent, one is a background and the other is a ?black-out?. I?ve made color templates for you to use. Just remember to ?right-click? and ?copy? on the pictures below, and paste them using your paint program.
The background black is used for the paper doll Gump, in general, whether adding a new weapon Gump or race Gump. The black-blocker is used to block out parts of the body; like when I used the horse legs for the centaur Gump, the human legs were sticking out, so I had to block it. The transparent black is used for making an area transparent. Here is an example.
*HINTS: If you want to add a new log-in just use the same number your old log-in Gump uses for your new log-in.
Adding weapons and such is pretty much the same as we did it in this tutorial. Just shrink the Gump down to 44 44, by going to ?Image? then ?Stretch/Skew? in MS Paint and typing 50, for 50%, in both horizontal and vertical boxes depending on how much you need to shrink it, or make a new art tile, and then add it to the ?Static Tiles? section.
If you add custom walls, remember to add them also into your layer section of the VERy document so that you can?t walk through them.
You don?t necessarily need to add entries into each section of the VERy documentation. For instance, walls and floors don?t need a Gump and the log-in Gump does not need a static tile.
(Here is a little disclaimer.) Ultima Online is the property of OSI (origin systems) and Electronic Arts. You are welcome to copy, print, email, distribute, and post this tutorial anywhere you like just as long as you give me credit for its creation. Same thing goes for the templates, and images. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS TUTORIAL AND MAKE IT YOUR OWN OR IT WILL MAKE ME MAD! Remember, if you send out good ?karma? you?ll get back good ?karma?. Anything else goes. Enjoy!