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 Post subject: Lineage II
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:53 pm 
Peanut Gallery
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Lineage II has a lot of unique features, and a lot of not-so-unique features. Overall, I have had a blast playing it, but here are my favorite and most hated features:

Favorite features:
- MSN Messenger is built in. I only wish more protocols were supported.
- You can PK anybody with little penalty (and even less reward), but there are not enough PKs for my taste.
- Skills are fun and balanced, but there are not enough of them.
- Huge, seamless world that is easy to get lost in.

Hated features:
- Bots run rampant, even though it is against the rules.
- Few naming rules, and a lot of players with stupid names.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:37 am 
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It doesn't seem to like Trillian very much, at least not if the attempts you've had at communicating with me are conclusive.

What I didn't like about Lineage 2 when I tried it:
- Everyone had exactly the same look.

I'm a sucker for character customization.

-= Ho Eyo He Hum =-

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:56 am 
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I would agree that all newbies of the same race look the same, except for sex/hair. Most of the customization comes in the form of clothing, I suppose.

I, too, was disappointed by the lack of customization options at character-creation time. Things like height, weight, breast size (heh), are all fixed.

Anyway, I got your message in the middle of the night -- I accidentally left the messenger running, but yeah, it does not like Trillian if that is what you were using. I had no problems speaking to anybody else, though.

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PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 11:57 pm 
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If you like Linage II you should check this out


Emu for the game. I hosted one briefly but its still highly beta and alot of the features arent online



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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:56 am 

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I tried LII. nice game...what I got to play of it. Stupid disconnects gave me flashbacks of 97' playing UO on a 33.6 modem.

After 2-3 days of trying to ignore the disconnecting I am constantly plagued by I simply gave up.

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 1:09 pm 
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Are you paigelore as in... the Site.. The Pagielore?



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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 1:23 pm 
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RoninGT wrote:
Are you paigelore as in... the Site.. The Pagielore?


Yep -- he used to host me and Ry.

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:27 pm 
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Paigelore was that speed demon that used to PK me between frame refreshes. I played on a 28.8 when I started UO...

Ahh...another post!


"So...if crazy people don't know their crazy...does that mean your only sane if your know your crazy?"

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 5:37 pm 
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*adjusts the post reset number to 92665 :twisted: *

Forget what you know, know what you forget.

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 5:59 pm 
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Dev! I miss your site...



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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 9:51 pm 
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My sites still there, just has a new face. The graphics I made are in the forums section and will appear after you register if you don't have them btw.


"So...if crazy people don't know their crazy...does that mean your only sane if your know your crazy?"

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:14 pm 
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Edited... PMed dev with this instead sence it was off topic.



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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 12:31 am 
Not your daddy
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yeah.. we have rules here you know.. and punishments for off topic matters! :twisted:

Forget what you know, know what you forget.

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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 2:20 am 
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No controversy allowed!



-= HellRazor =-
Shattered Sosaria is coming!

Last edited by HellRazor on Fri May 12, 2006 2:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 2:29 am 
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HellRazor wrote:

Got it right! it's

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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 2:58 am 
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* Goes into "Phantom Mode" *

That's what I said!!

-= HellRazor =-
Shattered Sosaria is coming!

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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:46 am 
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Dian wrote:
yeah.. we have rules here you know.. and punishments for off topic matters! :twisted:

Sorry i seen it was going off topic so i edited my post and sent dev a pm.

To get back on topic...

There was talk of a C# Emu for L2, Have not seen much but some lately about it. I loved playing L2 but it alway seemed something was missing from the game. I did however like the (Felucca) style play, All pvp. You do know that old Ricard G. Helped in making that game 8)



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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 8:40 am 
Peanut Gallery
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He helped "Americanize" it, mostly. I think they just threw his name on it for publicity, too. He's off playing with his Tabula Rasa most of the time.

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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 8:50 am 
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Sydius wrote:
He helped "Americanize" it, mostly. I think they just threw his name on it for publicity, too. He's off playing with his Tabula Rasa most of the time.

Yeah, I don't think he had anything to do with the game's development at all. He helped bring it to the North American market through marketing and by having his name attached to it here.

(And that was Lineage I by the way, not Lineage II!)

P.S. What's up with the broken quotes? Also, the forum is back to randomly logging me out again!

-= HellRazor =-
Shattered Sosaria is coming!

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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:08 am 
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I am pretty sure he had something to do with L2... but then, L2 needed less Americanization. A lot less.

Ever play L1? It was fun, in my opinion, but... well... weird. :-P

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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 2:03 pm 
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NCSoft Korea created, marketed, and did the work on Lineage 2, the ONLY THING NCSoft NA (as in, North America) does is host the servers. To get a patch or bug fix or even a translation, they have to ask Korea.

Garriot has (control of? some sorta position at least) NCSoftNA but it's hand in L2 is extremely limited. On the other hand, CoV and CoH they have pretty good control over, you can tell by how differently it's run and maintained.

For anyone reading this thread and thinking to try Lineage 2 because Garriot may or may not have a hand on it, I'd advise you to find another game. Any game. Avoid L2 even if it's free and handed to you on a silver platter with offers of sex slaves on the side.

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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 2:23 pm 
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Well, yeah, I would not play Lineage 2 because it has Richard's name on it, but then, I would not play City of Heroes, either, just because he had something to do with it.

As for his position, his brother is the CEO (I believe) of the North American branch, and Richard is a lead producer, if I remember correctly.

I would not completely disregard Richard's contributions, though. I know he went to Korea for a while just to help with the development of L2 before its release. If I can remember (and he gets back from E3), I will ask him what exactly he did, but I do agree that it was probably not much more than a bunch of vague, abstract design ideas at most. His heart is in... Well, I would say Tabula Rasa, but I think his heart is in the game he plans to make after that.

Lineage 2... I liked it a whole lot, and so did my girlfriend. The PVP is very nice, the graphics are pretty, and it is genuinely fun in its own way. That said, we did cancel our accounts.

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:05 pm 

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L2 is a gigantic waste of time.
What little gameplay goodness it has, is ruined (almost intentionally) by mechanics to make it frustrating. The pvp and power aspect is dreadful, not only allowing - but encouraging - complete lockdowns. If you're on top from the start, you tend to stay on top.

This can be fine, but not in a game which gives you more and more means to continue to stay on top. (basically, it does not remain even, you can 'win' by mechanics, and keep winning for as long as you bother playing)

As an mmorpg, it takes the 'emotional stress' related to mmorpgs - to a new level. It's not simply a side-effect that 'some' players end up with, it's the norm. The community of L2, of the longtime players... meh; go check the forums.

The place breeds nutcases. Basically, they play every card in the book to 'leash' people to their game. (a conscious effort on their part, and if you play L2 enough - you start to marvel at just how sinister the designers were, in making it a milking cow)

The real-money trading market, is probably the worst part of it all.
IGE, as is known (officially now, after vanguard devs made public the fact that ige had actually approached them to make a deal), makes 'deals' with mmorpgs. Ncsoft is about as bad as it gets.
The game design itself is *aimed* at it, in many cases, and you have chronicles/patches - and everyday administration of the game making it easier and better for companies to 'farm' their game.

It might be different in korea, but on international servers, it became ridiculous after a while. The player:professional farmer ratio atm, is something like 1:5, and that's a conservative estimate. Every dungeon you go to is permanently 'run' by farmer groups. They were there since the 'open beta', and have only grown since then.

Beyond all this, there's a last quirk with L2, which is a big one: gameguard.
Gameguard can almost be compared to starforce. It's the starforce of "mmorpg hack protections", pretty much.

(If you've ever run L2 on your current box, to remove it:

Remove following branches, if they exist:
Might need to set access rights to remove these two:
At the end, remove npptNT2.sys from system32 subdir and reboot

(if you're in w2k, type "regedit32" in run menu to get one that allows you to set access - if you're in wxp, it's default))

It's the type of game that - if you play it for a while - once you leave it; you'll probably look back on it as one big headache, even as an old-time mmorpg player having pretty much grown 'immune' to the regular tricks.


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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 5:16 am 
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My mouse control is better and my computer runs smoother after removing gameguard. It is the devil :/

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:08 am 
Peanut Gallery
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The first 20 levels are the fun part to me. They go by too quickly, though. The biggest downside to me is the cost of armor/weapons.

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