My girlfriend and I decided to try it since there is a 7-day trial and we have been enjoying the basic pen and paper game.
First impression: complicated and clunky. They provide movies and ample information about everything during character creation, but it seems all too easy to gimp your character.
Second impression: VERY hard, if you play a wizard. The first few missions are solo-only, so my girlfriend, who had decided to be a paladin, could not help me (the wizard). I died a few dozen times trying to solve the last solo mission, and there is no way I can solo anything without a meat shield. She, on the other hand, can solo many missions and brute-force her way through things.
Final impression: It is very true to the pen and paper game, complete with rolling dice in the corner. The graphics are superb if you max them out, and the quests are, by far, the best in any game I have played.
There are some things that set this apart from most other online games, but may be familiar to those of you who played the pen and paper version.
You do not heal over time, unless in a tavern, and the same goes for mana. That is why I kept dying in the solo mission -- I'd burn through my mana and be helpless.
Potions, especially health potions, are far too expensive to be practical.
Equipment is found, not bought, and you are likely to end up with better stuff than anything they sell in the stores before you are 1/8th of the way through level one.
Experience can only be gained in two ways: solving quests (by far, the most common way) or by going to "encounter areas" where you just do good old-fashioned monster bashing.
Almost everything that happens, happens underground. Not much in the way of outdoor experiences and the few I have seen, have been somewhat boring -- though, of course, the city (which I do not think you can even leave) is aboveground.
Levels go up very slowly -- the highest level you can achieve right now is 10, if that gives you any idea. You do get "ranks" between levels, but they are mostly meaningless.
You are very limited in terms of travel. You start out on a small island, then advance to the harbor of the main city. You are stuck in the outer harbor until you solve a series of quests, and then stuck in the overall harbor until you solve more.
You simply have to be in a group to do much of anything, and the game is, well, hard.
Overall, though, I would recommend it -- I am enjoying it a lot, even if I do get my ass handed to me by every low-level kobold that comes around. I do kick ass at crown-control, though, mowing down dozens of enemies at once (though that seems like a rare encounter).